Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Back in New Zealand again.

Well we have been back in New Zealand a few months now. It was funny the first week we got back after being after missing most of the winter being in the US. It got the coldest that it has ever been in New Zealand for about 50 years.

It nearly snowed in Whangarei where we live and that is unheard of! Mum and Dad put in a huge garden and we have been enjoying LOTS of Peas and Beans!

John picked a huge bucket of beans the other day, and Dad have tried over the years to do a garden but it hasn't really worked. But I think this time, it might have actually worked!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We are in the USA for two months so if you want to find out more go to my blog

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy new Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas!
We are enjoy our summer holidays over here very much! The weather is very hot.
We have been enjoying swimming in water holes and our pool.
God bless